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The Team

Join The Team

  • Claire Worrall

    Claire Worrall


    After a degree in natural sciences from Cambridge University, Claire completed her PhD at Newcastle before starting her postdoc at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.

  • Henry Stennett

    Henry Stennett


    Henry is a science communicator at Cancer Research UK and a freelance writer. He used to research microbiology but now he’s got the writing bug.

  • Sophie Arthur and Lucy Brown

    Sophie Arthur and Lucy Brown

    Writers - former MRC LMS Science Communications Officer (SA) and Engagement Project Manager (LB)


  • Daniella Gimbosh

    Daniella Gimbosh

    Science Communications Assistant and writer

    Daniella is a third year Medical Biosciences undergraduate at Imperial College London. She is currently on placement as a Science Communications Assistant within the GECo team at the MRC London Institute of Medical Science.