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Now in our 14th year of bringing you beautiful imagery from biomedical science every day

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The Team

Join The Team

  • Jessica Langley-Hunt

    Jessica Langley-Hunt


    During a week of work experience at the MRC Clinical Sciences Centre in the Public Engagement, Media & Grants Facility, Jess helped with image research and wrote a summary about stem cells.

  • Anthony Lewis

    Anthony Lewis


    Ant was the web editor in the early days of BPoD, and has since worked with the UK’s top science organisations as a writer and multimedia producer. He now splits his time between freelance work and managing multimedia at The Lancet.


  • Alice Lighton

    Alice Lighton


    Since completing her physics degree at Oxford, Alice has worked at Wired and Technology World magazines, and was deputy editor of The Oxford Student. She writes on tropical disease and bicycles.


  • Roberta Martinelli

    Roberta Martinelli


    A vascular biologist based in Boston, Roberta specialises in high-resolution live-cell imaging in the context of cancer and inflammation. She is constantly mesmerised by the artistic beauty of our cells.

  • Sarah McLusky

    Sarah McLusky


    Sarah McLusky is a freelance science education consultant. Her work varies from writing resources and managing science fairs to making rockets. Sarah used to be a ‘proper’ scientist and has a PhD in Plant Biochemistry.


  • Brona McVittie

    Brona McVittie


    Independent science blogger and musician. Got the whole BPoD show on the road while heading up the public engagement team at the MRC CSC. Loves gardening, cooking and diving. Makes corkbots too.

  • Matthew Morgan

    Matthew Morgan


    Currently completing his GCSEs, Matthew has taken part in an internship to get a feel for the work environment of the MRC.

  • Josh Morris

    Josh Morris


    During a week of work experience at the MRC Clinical Sciences Centre in the Public Engagement, Media & Grants Facility, Josh helped with image research, and wrote a summary about an experiment on treatments for visual impairment.

  • Deborah Oakley

    Deborah Oakley


    Deborah is researching healthy cognitive ageing at the University of Cambridge. She previously worked as a science communicator in London, working closely with the BPoD team.